授課計畫表 | Teaching Plan | 內容 Content |
授課目標 | Objectives | 1. 教導學生善用數學建立訊號與系統之物理模形。 2. 教導學生瞭解訊號與系統之基本概念及分析、設計方法。 3. 教導學生具備控制,通訊,電子電路,濾波器設計及數位信號處理等課程修習之基礎。 |
授課大綱 | Outline | 這門課是關於訊號與系統的介紹,課程內容包含: (1)標準訊號及訊號表示法 。 (2)連續系統的數學分析 。 (3)離散系統的數學分析 。 (4)拉氏轉換分析。 (5)Z-轉換分析。 (6)傅立葉分析。 (7)工程應用。 |
外語(原文)授課 | taught in foreign languages | N |
開放推廣教育學分 隨班附讀 |
Open to extension program students | N |
教科書 | Textbook | Simon Haykin, Barry Van Veen, Signals and Systems 2nd ed.. Wiley, 2002. ISBN: 0471164747 |
成績考核準則 | Grading | 期中考: 30% 期末考: 30% 平時成績:40% |
參考書籍 | Objectives | Simon Haykin, Barry Van Veen, Signals and Systems 2nd ed.. Wiley, 2002. ISBN: 0471164747 |
先修科目 | Prerequisites | 數學 |
課外作業 | Assignments | 上課指定作業 |
週次 (Lesson) | 授課內容 (Unit Title & Content) |
1 | Introduction to Signals |
2 | Introduction to Signals |
3 | Time-Domain Representations for Linear Time-Invariant Systems (I) |
4 | Time-Domain Representations for Linear Time-Invariant Systems (II) |
5 | Fourier Representations for Signals and Linear Time-Invariant Systems (I) |
6 | Fourier Representations for Signals and Linear Time-Invariant Systems (II) |
7 | Applications of Fourier Representations and Mixed Signal Classes (I) |
8 | Applications of Fourier Representations and Mixed Signal Classes (II) |
9 | 期中考 |
10 | Application to Communication Systems |
11 | Representation of Signals Using Continuous-Time Complex Exponentials: The Laplace Transform (I) |
12 | Representation of Signals Using Continuous-Time Complex Exponentials: The Laplace Transform (II) |
13 | Representation of Signals Using Discrete-Time Complex Exponentials: the z-Transform (I) |
14 | Representation of Signals Using Discrete-Time Complex Exponentials: the z-Transform (II) |
15 | Application to Filters And Equalizers (Introduction) |
16 | Application to Feedback Systems (Introduction) |
17 | Epilogue (Introduction) |
18 | 期末考 |